Treatments Offered

We Perform the Following Services:

– Interventional Spine Procedures with Fluoroscopy Guidance
– Comprehensive Musculoskeletal Evaluations
– Joint / Tendon / Bursa Injections
– Ultrasound Guided Injections
– Individualized Physical Therapy Planning
– Orthotic, Prosthetic or Bracing Recommendations

Diagnostic Injections:

– Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar Facet Injections & Medial Branch Blocks
– Peripheral Nerve Blocks
– SI Joint Injections
– Occipital Nerve Blocks
– Provocative Discography

Therapeutic Injections:

– Botox (headache/dystonia)
– Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar Facet Radiofrequency Ablation
– Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection 
Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar Interlaminar Epidural Steroid Injection 

– Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar Dorsal Root Ganglion Pulsed Radio-frequency (sensory deneravation)
– Sympathetic Nerve Blocks
– Caudal Steroid Injections
– Peripheral Nerve Sensory Denervation with Pulsed Radio-frequency
– Spinal Cord Stimulation
– Joint Injections (knee, shoulder, hip, hand, or foot)
– Tendon, Ligament, Muscle, or Bursa injections